As already popular mobile phone network in India with the trusted high-quality services with VoLTE, Jio now outranked all the competitive brands in India. Their HD services not alone helped them to make this achievement but a lot of useful android and iOS apps launched exclusively for their customers. The standalone and high-quality apps in many categories like in entertainment, songs, tv channels, HD Video and voice conference, News apps, etc, the apps no other network operators cannot provide to their users. This makes Jio outstanding on users. Now gained millions of users in India within a short time.
Here we have a comparison on the JioTv app with the other competitive apps in India. The network operators like Idea, Airtel etc. have their own app for TV channels. But all of those apps not giving all TV channels for their users. But Reliance Jio in co-operation with Hotstar provides 550+ Tv channels live online streaming for their users.
Enjoy 550+ Tv channels online live with JioTv app. This service is only available for the Jio SIM Users. You need to login to the JioTv app with Jio username and password. Jio uses the 4G network in all the circles, and no any single tower as 3G, so that the users are always on 4G network and get streaming error-free watching of Tv channels. This is one of the most popular features. JioTv app works only with the 4G or WiFi network so that users will get streaming without any delay.
Among 550+ channels, 60+ channels available in Full HD Format. You can watch almost all Indian channels and some international channels too. Enjoy channels in different regional languages. JioTv gives 16 language categories channels and in different 11 categories like movies, music, devotional, sports, kids, business etc. Almost all Indian language channels like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Punjabi, Bengali, etc. you can select the categories from the drop-down and play your channels.
Inbuilt mini player, play, and pause watch show that you missed in last 7 days etc are few best features of JioTv app. Almost all other TV channels streaming apps only provide a limited number of channels without any of the above-mentioned features.
For more Jio apps, Click here.
Image Credit: Pixabay, Reliance Jio.