Theyear 2018 is about to end. But, surely it’s not late to discuss about next years’ greatest digital marketing trends. Somewhere between a robust plan work plan for Q1, 2019 and creating digital marketing strategies, it’s good to learn how the market is going to shape up in the year 2019.
Hopefully the following trends are going rule the digital marketing all over the world.
Video Marketing
Video marketing will be one of the most effective digital marketing techniques in the upcoming year. According several studies, 80% of the online content will change into a visual representation. It will provide an overview of the services and products with a tint of humor and entertainment.
Video is preferred as one of the most effective ways of selling a product with the adoption of social media platforms and smart phones. A short video is able to give your campaign an emotional environment as well as to convey a message much effectively.
AI – The Future of Machines
According to a report published by Adobe, soon machines are going to become enough decisive to take strategic marketing decisions. Surely its mesmerizing, isn’t it? Imagine you are getting suggestions for your marketing strategies from a machine and all you need to do is to upload all your data in a machine server. Not only that your customer behavior patterns will be in sync with these strategies. In the near future AI is going to change way of marketing entirely.
Automated Chatboxes
I am quite sure that while browsing the internet you must have encountered a chat box. Chat boxes are one of the most commonly implemented applications of Artificial Intelligence. Not only chat boxes show results at a faster rate, also they are funny and offer a personalized experience to the clients. Moreover, an IBM report shows that, Machines will do 85% of all the customer service interactions will be completed by machines by the end of 2019.
Voice Search
You must be hearing about Google and Alexa Home now a days. If not, read about it. According to a research report, 65% of smart speaker owners expressed that they don’t want to return back to a life that don’t have a voice-controlled assistant. Smart speakers will change the means of data surfing.
Have you ever searched content using the voice commands? Digital marketing can come into play here. All the SEO you do on your website should depend on voice commands also.
The fall of the Kingdom- Internet vs. TV
Television has merely become a device to connect gaming modules in this millennial generation, where people spend more time using a phone or surfing internet. A study shows that, A person will spend about 2.7 hours on YouTube and 2.7 hours spending their time online. This causes a variation in advertising pattern changing from television channels to internet sites.
Content – The Trustworthy Soldier
Every day we read newsletters, blogs, articles and what not, on a daily basis. But what if you are not able find trustworthy and genuine content? Content is not only about facts and figures; it must be lean, clean and easy. In the coming year 2019, contents are going to have the same significance which it had earlier. It makes a data set genuine and trustworthy though any media.