Let me Say though that the trends in this art form change often. A few months ago what was a great one is considered nothing more than junk today. The cause behind this is that the search engines and the big dog, google, are trying to find more relevant result for the people who are looking for answers in their searches.
Google AdSense- Google does this by changing the way its giant computer system organize and rank websites. The reason makes it doing so is a lot of companies and people are always trying to game these system. In other words they are trying to misguide the website to think that one site should be ranked higher than another.
When you are a local business and have a local customer base, this is especially important. If your ads do not show up in front of potential local customers, online advertising is not going to do you a bit of good. Understanding how to make this happen is a full time work for many businesses. After many years of watching googles work and watching advertisers try to work google, I have found a simple gist that don’t try to fool the system and answer the customers’ queries.
I have had a customer that bought into the commitment of we will make your business number one, two or three in Google results! Anyone that tells you this is blatantly fooling you. That’s the reason why we emphasis the concept of consultant marketing. By advertising in a way like a consultant, a business can easily make an expert reputation locally.
I often get a question that how can one possibly become a consultant in his or her local business? Suppose you run a doughnut shop and people are not actually beating the door down for advise on preparing doughnuts. Its fact that they may not be a big market for people who want to make doughnut, but if they limit themselves that this way they will never be successful in making the expert mindset you need your customers to have. After all doughnuts or pastries are baked goods and people love baking. Move up in the niche chain and become more generalized and offer advice articles and other contents on making the best backed foods you can.
However, you can drill inside the niche and focus on doughnuts specially. You may be able to convince the readers decorating doughnuts for parties and other get- together is a cool thing they can do.In addition your store can offer decorating equipments . I would also be great pastime for the children. What could be better than keeping a kid busy in decorating his own snack?
Of course what I am saying is not a hypothetical example tough this might sound crazy. Actually the idea is to think outside the box. Why customers buy doughnuts? What queries they have before buying doughnuts? If you can make a list of similar queries or those questions your customers ask frequently and answer those in at least three different ways you are as well on your way to success.
The fact is, if you can answer them before the customers ask them you have a leg up on google that can never be trumped. The reason is that people type those questions in google in order to find an answer. And it is possible that you may find a big market for people looking to decorate doughnuts for all types of occasions.
You can be sure of one matter that if you continue to add relevant content based upon questions of your customers routinely ask and seek to perfect that information and distributed it through his many means as possible, You simply can’t fail.