Commissioning is a complex process for solar PV. It is associated with the installation process and look like the most critical one among all. By commissioning we can formalize the installed PV system. By this process, we can ensure that the system is safe and working properly as per manufacturer given specification.
Commissioning process includes:
- Pieces of equipment are inspected by the experts and compare to the as-built drawing and manufacturers recommendations.
- Verifying wiring and PV connections.
- Verifying wiring insulation.
- Verifying terminal torque.
- IV curve tracking.
- Thermal imaging.
- Utility requirement testing for power quality and functionality; and frequency matching with utility.
- Start and shut down process is proper or not.
- Verify the operation and maintenance documents properly.
Safety precautions are always essential for any work. Here also safety is the most important part. While commissioning procedure is going on an expert should have followed safety rules. Like installation process, the same type of safety precaution is necessary for commissioning process too like fall protection, ladder safety, electrical safety, personal protective equipment and most importantly common sense all are required. When commissioning, installation engineers are not generally present there, as commissioning experts don’t have proper knowledge about hazards at that particular job site. So it is good if some installation expert also present at the time of commissioning process.