CSP or concentrating solar power is active solar technology. It uses mirrors to concentrated or focused large area sunlight into a small area. Focused sunlight generates heat and using the technology we generate electricity. Among solar PV and CSP, it has 2% of generation capacity worldwide.
- Parabolic Trough: It is the most common CSP technology. It consists of long and curved mirrors. Mirrors concentrate the sunlight on a liquid (oil/water). The liquid produces steam that drives an electric turbine.
- Central receiver: It works same like previous. The only difference is that concentrated sunlight falls on central towers. The intense heat, carried by boils water, molten salt, oil, and the steam then drives on-site generators.
- Parabolic dish: This type of CSP technology not broadly in use. Here also mirror concentrate the sunlight and fall on a single point. Dishes can produce much higher temperature and thus have the potential to generate electricity.
Concentrating Solar Power Projects in India (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)