Do you find that your sign-up rate has decreased a lot more recently? This could be down to a number of factors including the fact that your identity verification checks are too complicated or that you aren’t offering something to the customer.
Here, we are going to give you some top tips for increasing your number of sign-ups online. Keep reading if you’d like to find out more.
Get Rid Of Distractions
One of the main reasons that people don’t get around to signing up to sites is that they get distracted by other features on the website. Perhaps you have a product that appears and takes your visitor away from the sign-up page or your ad distracts them, and they never come back. Try to get rid of as many distractions as you can, and this might help to increase your sign-up rate.
Streamline ID Checks
Depending on the type of website that you run, you might find that you need to identify your customer to make sure that they can use your product or service. This can often take a long time, especially when they need to add previous address and other details.
To streamline this, try out an identity verification API like the one from This way, they’ll do all of the work for you and your customers won’t be bogged down by all of the checks. Cognito have Identity Verification API Documentation which will give you everything you need to get started.
Test Your Call To Action
You probably already have a call to actionon your page that encourages people to sign up. While this is important, it is not always as simple as having one on your page. You need to make sure that your CTA is where your customers will notice it.
To increase your sign up rate, think about testing out the location of your CTA. Move it around and analyse the results. This way, you can find the best possible place for it on the page.
Add Some Testimonials
In 2019, customers like to hear from othercustomers who have used a product or service before. This can encourage them to take the final step in the sign-up phase or make the purchase. If you want to increase your number of sign-ups, we suggest that you add some testimonialsto your site.
Get in contact with previous customers and see if they can leave you a review that you can add to your site. Then, visitors will read these and make an informed decision on whether they should sign up or not.
Try It Today
If you really want to increase your sign up rate on your website, make sure to try out some of the tips that we have given you in this article. Think about streamlining your ID checks and removing any sort of distractions that could cause people to click off your site.
Try out some of these ideas and you’ll soon see a spike in your sign-up rate and an increased number of customers.