How To Create Professional Invoices & Get Paid Faster

The purpose of an invoice is to offer details of exactly what has been purchased and how the payment can be made. There are several key parts to any invoice, often divided into header, body, and footer sections, the main purpose of the invoice is to provide information about the items purchased by the purchaser and the mode of payment that how the payment is, made. This professional invoice gives you following benefits for your business this helps you to get paid faster this is basically about what is purchased by the clients and how the process of payment is made for example- online payment, cash, through check etc….

Some ways of speeding up an invoice

  • Keep accurate records
  •   Utilize the right tools
  • Speed-up Your Invoicing by Setting your terms
  • Ask your customer, “How and when would you like to pay?”
  •   Collect payment at the time of the service.
  • Require up-front payments.
  • Have a clean and consistent format
  •   Know the right contact
  •   Invoice groups of customers in one shot
  •   Use payment plans
  •   Offer incentives for early payments
  • Impose penalties for late payments
  • Get your staff involved
  • Consider outsourcing
  •   Automate as much as possible.
  •   Always follow-up.
  •   Build a rapport with clients
  •   Minimize errors
  •   Minimize errors
  •   Be polite
  •   Integration
  •   Set-up a subscription service
  •   Turn estimates or quotes into invoices
  •   Copy and paste
  •   Review your invoice system frequently


The things which should be there in the professional invoice

Your name and contact number

Your client’s name and number

Invoice number

Invoice date

A due date

Total amount due

Details of work and the charges

Tax and delivery

Payment options

Additional payment terms


Tips to get paid faster


  1. Utilize the right tool
  2. Find the right contact
  3. Time is everything
  4. Invoice effectively
  5. Follow up


Elaboration of the above heads


  • Utilize the right tool- the fest and the most important thing is if you have yet not done paperless work than first go paperless manage your invoice online manage all the records online it will surely save your time and money and make your work easier there are plenty of online invoice software which makes works easier


  • Find the right contact- The another most important thing is to find the right contact which, means that check the proper contact after sending invoicing with whom the person you are communicating if any error occurs then this may result in a delay in the process make sure that you are dealing with the right person so this will cut down the middleman and save money too.


  • Time is everything– This is the most important and thumb rule for life and business too that is time is everything, the best day for sending an invoice is considered as Sunday and the worst day is Thursday. So when you sending an invoice remember that time is everything wisely choose it and utilize it.


  • Invoice effectively- If you give less work to your client for invoicing them. They will perform faster and as soon as possible so this process will go on faster and due to this the repetition with the dealings with clients will go on. Some things which come under this head is – fully discuss the payment process before you get started, each and every detailed record of time and inventory and last is less is more.


  • Follow up- follow up is one of the necessary things if you want to get paid faster by the client. Some things which we should know about follow up is resending invoice with a remainder, call them, take legal actions where it is necessary.


Some more ways to get paid faster

  1. Design your invoice with professional flair
  2. Collect all the details
  3. Be clear about the due dates
  4. Clarity of payment process
  5. Accept online and mobile payments
  6. Go digital
  7. Use GST software for small business
  8. Offer some incentives for the clients who pay early
  9. Remainder call for payments
  10. Audit your clients
  11. Be specific with the subject
  12. Be polite